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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Injectable Treatment for Your Age and Skin Concerns

Updated: Apr 18

Fillers have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their non-surgical nature and effectiveness in addressing various facial concerns. These treat wrinkles and fine lines and enhance lips, among other things. They provide a convenient solution for both young and aging faces. This blog will cover the latest trends in cosmetic dermal fillers, biostimulator fillers, and neuromodulators (also known as Botox) for anyone interested in enhancing their appearance.

Young Faces

One of the latest trends for young faces is the use of hyaluronic acid fillers to achieve a "baby face" look. This involves using fillers to add volume to the cheeks, temples, and other areas of the face to create a more youthful, rounded appearance. Hyaluronic acid fillers are particularly popular for this purpose because they provide a natural-looking result and can be easily adjusted over time.

Another trend for young faces is the use of lip fillers to create a plumper, more defined pout. While lip fillers have been around for a while, the latest trend is to use them in a more subtle way, focusing on enhancing the natural shape of the lips rather than creating an exaggerated look.

Recent studies have shown that an increasing number of young people are seeking hyaluronic acid fillers to achieve a "baby face" look. According to a survey conducted by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the use of fillers in patients aged 30 and under has increased by 64% over the past five years. This trend is largely driven by social media, with platforms such as Instagram and TikTok promoting the idealized, youthful look. The use of hyaluronic acid fillers to add volume to the cheeks, temples, and other areas of the face can create a more youthful and rounded appearance, which is highly sought after by younger clients.

Research has also shown that hyaluronic acid fillers are safe and effective for this purpose. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that hyaluronic acid fillers can provide a natural-looking result and are easily adjustable over time, making them an ideal choice for young patients seeking a more youthful appearance.

Aging Faces

Regarding aging faces, the latest trends in cosmetic dermal fillers focus on achieving a more refreshed, natural-looking result. One approach is to use fillers to restore volume to the midface, which tends to flatten and sag with age. This can help to lift the cheeks and create a more youthful contour.

Another trend for aging faces is using fillers to address specific concerns, such as wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and eyes. This involves combining fillers and other treatments, such as Botox, for a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Several studies have shown the efficacy of using dermal fillers, biostimulators, and Botox to restore a more youthful appearance to aging faces. One study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that using dermal fillers to restore volume in the midface can significantly improve the appearance of nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and oral commissures.

Another study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology found that using biostimulators can help improve skin texture and elasticity, as well as reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that using Botox to treat wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes significantly improved the appearance of these areas, particularly on the forehead.

Finally, there is a growing trend towards using fillers for non-facial areas, such as the hands and neck. These areas can also lose volume and elasticity as we age, leading to a more aged appearance. Fillers can restore volume and create a smoother, more youthful look.

Hands & Neck Rejuvenation

There have been several studies conducted on the efficacy of using CaHA hyper-diluted (Radiesse), hyaluronic acid fillers and neuromodulators like Botox for neck and hand rejuvenation. One study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found that a combination treatment of Radiesse and hyaluronic acid fillers improved the appearance of hand volume loss and skin texture in participants with age-related hand changes. The study concluded that the combination treatment was safe and effective for hand rejuvenation.

Another study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology examined the use of Radiesse for neck rejuvenation. The study found that Radiesse was effective at improving the appearance of neck wrinkles and skin texture in participants. The study also noted that Radiesse had a high safety profile and was well-tolerated by participants.

A third study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy examined the use of Botox for neck rejuvenation. The study found that Botox was effective at reducing the appearance of neck wrinkles and providing a more youthful appearance. The study also noted that Botox had a low risk of adverse effects and was well-tolerated by participants. Overall, these studies suggest that using Radiesse, Botox, and hyaluronic acid fillers for neck and hand rejuvenation can yield positive results with minimal risk of adverse effects.

Cosmetic dermal fillers are a versatile and effective solution for various facial issues, whether you are young or aging. The latest filler trends offer an array of options to enhance your natural beauty or address signs of aging and achieve a refreshed youthful appearance.

Written by, Cosmetic Nurse Injector, Roberta Harvey, BScN, RN

Contact us today at 1-905-635-1263 to schedule a complimentary consultation with our certified Glass Skin Mobile Med Spa practitioners. We look forward to connecting with you soon!


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